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What is CSAT and how to increase it?

Every company aims to earn the loyalty of its customers because it is five times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an existing one. What is the secret to permanent loyalty? The answer is Customer Satisfaction.

What Is Customer Satisfaction Score(CSAT)?

customer satisfaction

CSAT is a quantitative loyalty metric that measures your customers' satisfaction with your company. It is a quick and easy method of measuring performance, making it ideal for determining how satisfaction levels change over time. You can also get an idea of any specific factors that may be influencing it. Finding difficulties in your business strategy or product allows you to make necessary changes and improve your service or product.

Here is an example through our platform:

customer satisfaction

You can rate your level of satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5, such as in the image.

How to Calculate CSAT ?

increase csat

Divide the number of respondents who rated their interaction as 4/5 or 5/5 by the total number of survey responses to get your overall CSAT score. Then multiply the result by 100. The final number is your company's overall CSAT score.

If you have 500 CSAT responses, and 400 of them are positive (4/5 or 5/5), your CSAT score is 400/500 x 100 = %80.

Why You Should Calcute The CSAT?


1# Catching customer expectations: Expectations are frequently the root of dissatisfaction. Customers' expectations, whether you meet them, and suggestions for improvement are all revealed by CSAT questions, which collect point-in-time feedback for various customer touchpoints.

2# Identify pain point: CSAT results assist in determining the most important problems your customers are experiencing. CSAT ratings also assist in identifying the degree of suffering that each of those problems is causing, enabling you to more strategically and effectively address them.

3# Drive progress in experience: Targeted CSAT surveys can be used across all industries to pinpoint issues with sales, onboarding, customer service, products, internal processes, and other crucial touchpoints. You can enhance both the customer and employee experience, which will ultimately boost customer lifetime value and brand loyalty.

4# Get to understand your customer: By concentrating on CSAT throughout the customer journey, you will learn data-based insights about your customers, what matters to them, and how to better serve them than competitors in all of your interactions.

How To Increase CSAT?

increase csat

#1 Put The Customer Before Anything Else

Establish to your customers that they are more than just a name on a list. Put your decisions at the center of the process whenever you make them. Managers should pay attention to customer feedback in order to understand what clients truly require.

You can show care and concern in a variety of ways, such as using the customer's name when speaking to them or congratulating them on their birthday. They will feel more appreciated, and your CSAT will improve.

#2 Understand Your Customer

There are several software features that can assist you in storing relevant customer data, such as their name, address, communication history, or notes taken by agents during previous interactions.

Use technology to reduce the need for clients to repeat who they are and what their problem is. Demonstrate your familiarity with them. This will increase customer satisfaction while also saving you time.

#3 Expand Your Response Time

The longer a customer has to wait on hold, no matter how patient they are, the less likely they are to be satisfied. One of the leading causes of customer dissatisfaction is having to wait for a response. In fact, 75% of clients are irritated when they have to wait an unreasonable amount of time to speak with an agent.

Rather than making them wait for your attention, your support center should provide a callback option during long wait times. You can also include pre-recorded responses to common questions in your IVR.

#4 Provide Omnichannel Support

With so many new communication channels, businesses must adopt an omnichannel strategy to connect with customers where they prefer.

Whether a client customer sends you a Facebook message, calls you, emails you, or a combination of the three, your agents should be prepared to respond - professionally and quickly.

#5 Make It Easy To Find Help

Create an interactive knowledge base. Customers can find the help they need on their own terms, without having to contact an agent.

Enhance your help content. Utilize your ticket data to create targeted, helpful articles that address your most frequently asked questions.

When a customer submits a ticket, provide self-service options. Provide them with a simple alternative to agent support.

You Are Also Wondering These(FAQ)


What Is Poor CSAT?

A CSAT score of 60% and above is considered acceptable, while a CSAT score of less than 60% is considered poor.

What Is The Formula of CSAT?

(The total of responses 4 and 5) / (Number of total responses) x 100 = percentage of satisfied customers

What Are Some CSAT Survey Questions?

*How satisfied are you with the product?
*How satisfied are you with the brand?
*How satisfied are you with the service?

Is Customizing The Survey Really Important?

Yes, personalization is effective for engaging with your customers. By using techniques such as including customers' names when speaking to them, the assistance team is certainly personalizing interactions. Thanks to technological advancements, similar practices can now be scaled.

Would You Like To Boost Your Company's CSAT?

customer satisfaction

Cloud4Feed enables you to move faster towards making more happy customers helping you grow your brand by automating responses to repetitive tickets and speeding up first-response times via SMS and live chat support.

Our platform also includes tools for automatically collecting and analyzing customer feedback, ensuring that you always have the valuable information you need to improve your customer experience.

Begin using Cloud4Feed right away to see how our industry-leading customer experience management platform can assist you in tracking and improving your CSAT score.