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Your customers are now mobile. What about your customer surveys?

Today, many companies continue to use customer surveys that are not optimized for mobile devices. So they miss the reliable and valuable feedback of the customer's experience at that moment. Even worse is that they reduce customer satisfaction and reduce customer loyalty in the long run, as they provide a poor experience for their customers.

The way we shop has changed.

Now, we make our evaluations without getting up from where we sit and buy products or services online. However, many companies continue their lives without digitizing their customer evaluation surveys. How about taking a look at the advantages of making customer surveys mobile?

- You can find out the real thoughts of the customer at the time of decision and measure the correct customer satisfaction after the interaction.

- Since you can track the results in real-time, you can turn unhappy customers into happy customers by taking positive action.

- You can increase your customer loyalty by thanking or rewarding those who complete the survey for their time.

- You can take quick action and gain new insights as soon as you get customer feedback.

- You can observe the changes over time by following the satisfaction trend.

- Be where your customers are.

Mobile devices are very common nowadays. Almost everyone owns a smartphone or tablet. Be sure to get feedback from your customers while they are at the point of sale or immediately after interacting with you, while their experience is still fresh. Deliver your survey to your customer with the tablet you will put at the point of sale via QR codes, SMS, or e-mail. Be where your customers are. With the reliable feedback you get, you can move your company to a different level.

Reach your customers anywhere with Cloud4Feed technology.

With Cloud4Feed, you can get feedback with tablet kiosks at service points, as well as enable mobile consumers to send their feedback from their own mobile devices with QR Codes they can scan. With Cloud4Feed, feedback from many different channels (social media channels, mailing, etc.) is collected on a single platform, and real-time feedback is transmitted. By mobilizing customer feedback with Cloud4Feed, you can start making more accurate and faster decisions for your business and increase your profitability